Premium Programme

The Fitness & Balance Method Premium programme I developed, where we personalise both the fitness programme (diet and exercise plan) and the coaching programme as much as possible. The recommended length of the program is 8 weeks, consisting of 1 session per week (online or offline), but of course it can be extended. 

See what you get with the Premium Program:

💣 Rapid transformation in inches, increased confidence, launching a new phase of life

👙 Examining the psychological causes of overweight, exploring types of overeating

📝 Fitness assessment: flexibility, stamina, strength, sleep habits

✍️ Biorhythm test, review of daily schedule and food diary, health questionnaire

🍑 1 week sample diet + 12 basic rules + list of recommended and non-recommended foods

👟 8-week fitness programme: workout plans with videos

☯️ 8 suitable coaching hires: life areas and roles, self-image overview

✅ Resources, gaps and needs, self boundaries overview

🔥 Goals, positive vision and milestone plan

👎 Identify barriers, inhibiting beliefs and fears

🗂️ Exercises: system setting, cards, drawing, etc. coaching tools

💻 Additional downloadable materials and online FB Club membership FREE

✏ Within half a year +1 feedback and consultation for FREE

1. Getting fit - the first time

The Fitness & Balance Method is all about blending the tools of fitness (exercise, nutrition, sleep and other lifestyle habits) with the tools of coaching: using questioning techniques and self-awareness exercises, we will explore other areas of your life to make sure you don't fall back into a world of overeating, unmotivated, toxic relationships! In the first session we will assess your physical, health status, there will be questions to map your biorhythm, a health questionnaire. This will help you get started on a new, fitter lifestyle, with rules that are as personalised as possible! Whether you want to exercise indoors, at home or outdoors, what your schedule is like and how you can stick to your eating habits will be discussed in detail.

2. Online club membership and support materials - after the first session

Before you go home from your first session (or turn off the camera), you'll have access to downloadable materials, videos and recipes. You'll get the supplementary materials: the 36-page summary e-book, the recipes, the 75-page Fitness & Coaching e-book and all the other support materials

3. 1 coaching session per week - for 8 weeks

You will then attend 1 coaching session per week, the first 10 minutes of which will be spent going over how you are doing with your fitness programme, looking at your food diary; then we will spend about 1 hour with you - looking at areas of your life, gaps and needs, possible overeating habits, your goals and fears, as well as relationships and self-image. You can also come with a specific goal in mind, if you already know exactly what you want to do. This can be a stuck issue related to your development (e.g. compulsive eating, body image disorder, self-confidence, etc.), but also an unrelated topic (e.g. career, family, relationships, conflict, self-awareness, other goal).

4. Feedback, consultation

The aim is to achieve a visible external and noticeable internal change in 8 weeks. Physically: you can lose up to 5-12 kilos, achieve measurable results in centimetres and put an end to your overeating and overweight problems for good! And you can also show tangible results in terms of your goals, self-image, relationships, boundaries, fears and vision. If you are skillful, you will enter a very successful, self-confident and completely transformed phase of your life! You are also welcome for a follow-up consultation 1 month after the 8-week program (in person or online) to check in with us to see how you are progressing on your own, or we can continue together for another 8-week cycle to create an even more fulfilling life and an even more beautiful shape!

Who do I recommend this programme to?

those who are overweight or have an eating disorder

for those who want to get in shape but not too fit

for those who want a complete fresh start

those who want to make an explosive change in certain areas of their lives

for those who don't want to lose weight, just a better sense of well-being and a more positive self-image

those who want to build a strategy for a big fresh start

for those who have a recurring problem in their life

those who want to sort out their goals, roles, boundaries, relationships

for those who have lost their vision in the grey squirrel wheel

those who would look at family patterns, stories

for those who cannot cope with addiction to food

for those who find it challenging to adjust their schedule and habits

those who would like to escape toxic environments

for those who suspect they are recreating their problems based on internal programs and patterns


15.000 HUF/week (+ fitness ticket to the gym if you want to train with me) 


Blanka Hámori personal trainer and coach

003620 2359758 or